Top 10 List of Week 04

  1. Little and Big Endian Mystery
    A small article explaining the differences between Little and Big Endian. The article also shows us a way to determine what type of endian our machine is using. It also explains why does the little or big endian matters.

  2. Endianness Explained With an Egg - Computerphile
    A video explaining what is Endianness in your machine and how it may affect on how computers communication to each other.

  3. Memory Management in OS: Contiguous, Swapping, Fragmentation
    The article explains about memory management techniques, an explanation about swapping, explanation about memory allocation, paging, fragmentation, segmentationm dynamic loading and linking with differences with the static version.

  4. Logical and Physical Address in Operating System
    A rather simple explanation about the differences between Logical and Physical Address in Operating System.

  5. A Guide to Understanding Linux Software Libraries in C
    A guide on the difference between Static and Dynamic Libraries, and also a starting guide on how you can make your own linux libraries using C.

  6. Pointers in C Programming: What is Pointer, Types & Examples
    Explanation on how to use pointers in C, types of pointers in C and examples of using it in C language.

  7. An introduction to swap space on Linux systems
    Explanation on how Linux’s Swap Space and types of it.

  8. What is Cheat Engine? What does it do? How does it work?
    Cheat engine is an application that can modify values of memories inside of a program that is currently running. We can modify the values of memory of a program to our heart’s content.

  9. vRAM vs RAM: Whats The Difference?
    Especially for me, who just recently (a couple of months before) just built a pc, wonders what is the difference between a RAM and a vRAM. RAM is used for storing temporary file systems, but vRAM stores image data. Most of the time More RAM means better, but for vRAM, it isn’t always the case. Why? Because it also depends on the graphic card, sometimes a graphic card boasting more vRAM will perform worse than a lower vRAM because of the superior chips, bandwiths, and wider memory bus (Try reading the difference between RTX 3060 and RTX 3060Ti, I myself currently has a 3070).

  10. Fragmentation: What Is Disk Fragmentation?
    Fragmentation are where datas on a disk are not stored in a sequential manner, or let’s say spreaded out. This occurs over time where read and write operation take place and if fragmented heavily, can cause disk read to become longer and slower. Windows has a built in defragmentation system, although you can defragment it yourself. I had an experince with this couple years back.